Frequently Used Linux Commands - A Real World Statistics
This project helped us to share some details about frequently used Linux commands.
Here is the results from
commands from users around the world.
command retains its position as
king of commands
. Interestingly, fork bomb attempts losing its charm! Only
attempts made since 2017 stats
2019 status
Rank Count Command
1 1044749 ls
2 354638 clear
3 335139 pwd
4 225533 cd ..
5 171348 ls -l
6 132884 cd
7 111031 ps
8 62022 ls -R
9 61237 dir
10 53333 ll
11 51835 test
12 48671 exit
13 48513 cd -
14 39447 du
15 35341 ls -a
16 27814 cd /
17 27774 ls -la
18 27369 cd ~
19 26622 ls -lrt
20 26193 top
21 24890 date
22 24687 ls -ltr
23 23538 who
24 19242 ls -al
25 19420 :(){ :|:& };:
26 18521 ls
27 17930 du -xh ~
28 17342 yes > /dev/null &
29 16090 ls -r
30 15997 history
31 15922 whoami
32 12219 su
33 12141 w
34 11649 df -h
35 11635 tree
36 11273 cal
37 11191 help
38 11065 cls
39 10834 bash
40 10539 pstree
41 10295 logout
2017 status
Here is the results from approximately 37,39,188 commands from users around the world.
No prizes for guessing the top most command its `ls` . Interesting 11th spot revealed below!
Rank Count Command
1 347298 ls
2 111681 pwd
3 111168 clear
4 75131 cd ..
5 60145 ls -l
6 51283 test
7 42311 cd
8 36947 ps
9 22347 ls -R
10 19632 cd dir2
11 19256 :(){ :|:& };:
12 18249 dir
13 18045 exit
14 17401 cd -
15 17315 yes > /dev/null &
16 15761 ll
17 14123 ls -a
18 13374 touch file1.txt
19 13015 cd dir3
20 12952 mkdir -v dir1
21 12897 du
22 11667 ls -la
23 10981 cd /
24 10961 cd ~
25 10860 top
Officially webminal survived 19256
fork bomb attempts!
Note to Webminal users: We hope its not privacy issue, we are just sharing
some insights on Linux command line users. We hope it will be helpful for
you and rest of the community.Thanks! Last update: May-2019