Welcome to Webminal, the free GNU/Linux Online Terminal and Programming IDE

We provide an unique free online learning platform where you can learn about Linux, practise, play with Linux and interact with other Linux users.

Using webminal, you can practise Linux commands, write bash scripts, create and access MySQL tables, Learn Python, C, Ruby, Java, Rust programming and perform basic root user tasks with a virtual platform. With the help of 'Webminal Play' feature, you can watch screencasts (instead of reading docs) and practise too.

Pre-release webminal.org version-3.0

Community members looking to assist in webminal.org's development and longevity. Those who want to play a role in sustaining and releasing webminal version-3 (demo below), please reach out to us.

Live Commands Counter!

Thrill awaits with real-time updates! See the value above transform with each Webminal command. 
Quick refresh, stay in action, as values come alive!
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     || 

Fast Facts!

More than 


users from


different countries practised more than

28.4 Million

commands To be precise its


commands executed!!! Webminal helped Professors and Students from


universities around the world in their classrooms. \ .--. \ |o_o | |:_/ | // \ \ (| | ) /'\_ _/`\ \___)=(___/ (Updated on Aug04-2023)

How to access the Linux Terminal?

Create a new account for free in 2 minutes! and then login to access Online terminal, no other software needed!!

Webminal IDE Screencasting

Free Features

 - Online Linux/bash terminal, no installation required.

 - Practice your Linux skills, including file system navigation,
   file management, scripting in bash/awk/sed and MySQL.

 - User gets 100MB storage.

 - User may create files upto 1000.

 - User may share file with fellow community member and ask them to
   verify/debug the issue with your script/program :).

 - The maximum size of files that the user may create is 1MB.

 - Maximum number of files a process can open is 15.

 - Simultaneously user can run upto 10 process (to prevent fork bomb 
   by malicious user/program).

 - User can't login more than once unless (s)he logout from his/her 
   previous session.

 - Create your own group and share files between the group members!

MySQL Features

- You are allowed to create upto 4 tables.

- Your database size should be less 200KB.

- You are allowed to execute upto 200 queries per hour.

- You are allowed to execute upto 100 update queries per hour.

- You can have only one mysql connection.

- You are _NOT_ allowed to sniff around other user databases.

- Your account will be blocked, If you violate above fair usage rules.
  Please use this feature for learning purpose only (no hacking/cracking).

MySQL Terminal Screencasting